Build A Content Marketing Machine Like ServiceTitan

After Reading This Guide, You’ll Understand 🡭

  • Content marketing funnel of a B2B service businesses
  • Building link building flywheel
  • Planning service pages

About The Business 🡭

ServiceTitan provides cloud-based service management software to various industries to help home service contractors generate more leads and sales. The brand delivers solutions to many industries like HVAC, plumbing, water treatment, etc.

– Target audience: US

– Company established: 2004

Some of the features of their software are:

  • Invoice management
  • Scheduling
  • Dispatching
  • Call booking
  • Reporting
  • Marketing, and so on.

Results Achieved 🡭

ServiceTitan is one of the leaders in the service management software industry. Their content marketing strategy is an example of how one brand can build content targeting

  • Awareness stage
  • Consideration stage
  • Decision stage

Some of the stats about ServiceTitan:

Monthly traffic: 109k+

Traffic worth: $376k

Backlinks: 440k+ from 2.6k+ different domains

Ranking 0-10th position for more than keywords in the US alone.

Not only that, but ServiceTitan has also focused on building linkable assets such as Free tools, templates, etc.

These linkable assets (free templates + tools) have helped the brand acquire 1300+ backlinks.

Let’s dive right into the content marketing strategy breakdown of ServiceTitan.

Content Marketing Breakdown 🡭

1/ Competitors And Reviews

Content marketing isn’t just about creating content that gets traffic or/and links over time. It is also about helping people to make the buying decision with content.

When it comes to the bottom of the funnel stage, people are interested in knowing about other alternatives (ServiceTitan’s competitors) and the service reviews.

Looking at the search demand, ServiceTitan took the advantage by being transparent about the competitors and the service reviews.

Competitors pages:

ServiceTitan has created a series of comparison pages where they showcase the features of their service and the competitor.


These individual comparison pages are helpful for the audience to quickly navigate through the features and benefits of different brands.

In addition, these pages are getting 400+ organic visits every month. And this small amount of traffic is more likely to give a better conversion rate as compared to others.

Here are some of the queries:

  • servicetitan vs. field edges (search volume 100 per month)
  • housecall pro vs. servicetitan (search volume 90 per month)
  • servicetitan vs. jobber (search volume 60 per month)

Not only that, but serviceTitan has also created a landing page specifically to target the keywords:

To help search engines understand the page’s content, they have turned the landing page into a long-form 3000+ words article.

Yes, the above-the-fold section is optimized for conversion. Below the fold is actually a blog article discussing the competitors and their features.

Reviews page:

Like the competitors and alternatives pages, people at the buying stage, Google queries like servicetitan reviews.

Most brands won’t even try to rank on this type of query. By creating a specific page showcasing all the reviews, ServiceTitan is getting $797 worth of traffic per month.

Note: Most brands are afraid to talk about the competitors or reviews on the website as this might expose the competitors, and we’ll lose clients.

In reality, brands who create this type of content are actually helping the audience to make the buying decision.

If it’s not your brand, your competitors will do the job.

The manual link-building process is hard and takes a lot of time. This is why brands should invest in linkable assets. Tools could be one of the types of linkable assets that acquire backlinks over time organically.

Here, ServiceTitan has created ten free online tools for traders. Some of them are:

  • Invoice generator
  • Flow rate calculator
  • HVAC duct calculator, etc.

So far, these tools have generated 890+ backlinks from 182 different domains and traffic worth $14.1k

This is one of the best ways to build a link-building flywheel.

But ServiceTitan has gone to the next level by making it super easy to embed the same tool on other websites.

As you can see, with just 1 click, you can copy the code and paste it onto your website:

The result?

Websites are embedding these free tools, and in return, ServiceTitan is getting backlinks from other websites.

Here’s an example:

This way, they build a strong backlink profile that is hard to replicate for their competitors.

3/ Multiple Landing Pages

The most common mistake of brands is not creating enough landing pages for the service or product.

For example, if you’re selling task management software, creating one landing page for the product isn’t enough.

Instead, the same product can be turned into multiple landing pages (depending on the search demand, business value, etc.), such as:

  • Task management software for small startups
  • Task management software for freelancers
  • Task management software task for lawyers

As you can see, creating these landing pages for the same product will allow you to rank on multiple search queries and provide a personalized content experience.

Hence a higher chance of conversions.

In the same way, ServiceTitan has strategically created landing pages categorized by product use cases, industries, company size, and solutions.

Here’s the screenshot:

Another one:

This way, ServiceTitan has created a content moat by dominating the SERP for almost any queries related to field management software.

The industry and features specific pages are combined, getting around 5k organic visits per month and 1k+ backlinks.

Surely, this wouldn’t be possible if they’ve chosen to create only a handful of landing pages.

4/ Creating content for all buyers stage

One common trait of most brands that have built a content moat over time is that they have a huge library of resources for every stage of the buyers.

Generally, there are 3 types of buyers stages such as:

  • Awareness stage
  • Consideration stage
  • Decision stage

Let’s take an example of dispatching software:

For this software, they have created content for all stages, such as:

Product type: dispatch software




What Is Dispatch Software and How Does It Grow Your Business?

7 HVAC Dispatching Tips to Optimize Scheduling, Improve Communication, and Grow Revenue

Customer success stories, Service pages for different industries.

In the same way, they have created a huge library of helpful resources for almost every possible software type.

Do This Now 🡭

Follow these steps to execute an SEO-driven content marketing strategy that drives traffic and conversion.

Step 1. Find Topics That No One Is Openly Talking About

If you’re in the B2B segment, create content for topics like

  • Pricing and cost (e.g., Pricing of Brand X)
  • Comparison with competitors (e.g., Brand X vs. Brand Y, Brand X alternatives, etc.)
  • Customer reviews (e.g., Reviews of Brand X)

The goal is not just to get as much traffic from search engines as possible but to build customer loyalty by being honest and transparent.

Also, do not forget to do a little bit of keyword research for these search queries, as this content may also earn clicks organically.

STEP 2. Invest In Linkable Content Assets

No matter how good you’re at outreaching or broken link-building methods. If you stop doing any of these activities, the link-building campaign will be stuck at some point.

Nothing wrong with this approach. However, having linkable assets will earn you links organically over time. Some of the types of linkable assets are:

STEP 3. Target Different Industries, Product Use Cases, Solutions

Make a spreadsheet and list all the relevant industries, product use cases, target audience types, etc.

Here’s what it may look like:

Make a copy of the above template

Next, perform keyword research to find the search queries people search on the web.

This way, you’ll have a set of landing pages that provide a personalized experience and become a prominent source of qualified search traffic.

STEP 4. Create Content For Different Buyers’ Stages

There is no fixed rule, but I recommend creating the BOFU content first (at least the basic landing pages for products/services).

Once this is done, you should focus more on targeting the TOFU content types.

Start with selecting the broad topics around your business offerings.

Next, research all the sub-topics and questions people ask related to your broad topic.

Then focus on creating content hubs for specific topics.

Optional Assignment 🡭

Pick a SaaS business and a B2B business. Next, make a list of at least three types of linkable content assets for each type of website.

Justify your suggestions with keyword research, audience research, and competitor analysis.

Supplemental Materials 🡭

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