How Glassdoor’s Data-driven Content Engine Is Dominating The SERP

Here, I’ll breakdown the data-driven content strategy of Glassdoor that not only helped them drive traffic but also get backlinks organically.

Let’s get started:

Glassdoor is dominating the SERP for queries like these:

  • Microsoft vs Google (350 searches/ month)
  • HDFC vs ICICI (700 searches/ month)
  • Google vs Apple (200 searches/ month)
  • Cognizant vs TCS (400 searches/ month), and 100s of others.

But the fact is that Glassdoor is able to rank in the top 10 for these queries without creating long-form content, custom visuals.

In fact, most of these pages rarely have 300 words of unique content.
So how did they do it?

It’s because of the data-driven content assets.

Here’s what a typical comparison page looks like 👇


As you can see that every element on the page is backed with fresh and unique data. It includes:

  • Overall rating of the company
  • Pros and Cons (based on quantified reviews)
  • The number of featured reviews, etc.

As a result, they don’t need to hire content writers to write 3000-word articles, create custom visuals.

All they have to do is transform the data and user-generated content (reviews) to match the searcher’s intent.

This is not the only example of a data-driven content engine by Glassdoor.

In fact, they are even a bigger force for queries like:

  • Data scientist salary (17k searches per month)
  • Software engineer salary (12k searches per month)
  • Business analyst salary (3.5k searches per month)

Even with less than 100 words on unique content on the page, they can match the searcher’s intent with fresh data.

The result?

  • Almost 200k organic traffic per month
  • 62.3k backlinks from 1k+ different domains

Data-driven content Strategy of Glassdoor in a nutshell

  1. Focus on getting users’ data (e.g., salary, interview questions, company reviews, etc.).
  2. Use data to create content assets
  3. Leverage automated landing pages to create hundreds of unique landing pages targeting different search queries.
  4. Generate links, mentions, and traffic.

Can you also do the same?

You don’t have to be the next Glassdoor to build a data-driven content engine like this.

A SaaS brand is more likely to replicate the data-driven content strategy.

Start with finding ways to transform the user-generated content or/and internal data to build content-driven assets.

Once you start seeing results, it’s important to scale the process. Instead of manually creating new pages, build landing page templates and use them to scale the content creation process.

Surely, it’s not an overnight process, but brands focusing on data-driven content assets are more likely to see the results.

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