How Holidify Is Ranking On The 1st Page Of Google For 177,885+ Keywords

About The Business:

Holidify is an online platform for travellers from India. They provide educational information about planning your trip across thousands of holiday destinations (mostly in India). Also, Holidify provides hotel booking services and holiday tour packages.

Holidify home page

Results Achieved:

Holidify has managed to build a huge content empire that gets around 4.2 million visits every month.

search traffic of holidify in content marketing

Not only that, but the number of referring domains has also increased by 444% in just ten months.

So what’s the secret that made holidify one of the leaders in the Indian travelling industry?

It’s because of the content marketing approach.

Holidify is dominating the SERP for queries like:

  • Places to visit in _____
  • Things to do _____
  • How to reach [name of the place]
  • Best time to visit _____

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of search terms dominated by Holidify:

This is simply possible by creating a ton of SEOoptimized pages that match the search intent and needs.

To understand the exact reasons, let’s break down the content strategies Holidify used to get this big in search results.

Why Do They Work?

1. Scaling SEO content

Holidify has created over 6,000 web pages for a single type of query, and that is ‘places to visit in _____‘.

serp domination of holidify

But the question is, how did they find so many keywords/topics to target.

And, the answer is wildcard content strategy.

Wildcard content strategy is a way of finding a large number of search queries from a single templatized content format.

An example:

The templated content format for Holidify was ‘best places to visit in ____.’

Now, with the help of wildcard content strategy, they got content ideas such as:

  • ‘Best places to visit in India’
  • ‘Best places to visit in Goa’
  • ‘Best places to visit in Delhi’, and so on…

One way to find wildcard content ideas is Google autocomplete.

Just type the templated content format (relevant to your business) and wait for Google to suggest keyword ideas.

Here’s an example:

wildcard SEO strategy

Here the templated idea was ‘How to reach [place X] from [Place Y]‘. Now, by using wildcard SEO, I can also find a large number of content ideas.

This will help to scale the content creation process.

Another way to find wildcard content opportunities is using any of your SEO tools (Here, I will use Ahrefs).

Type the same templated content format and select the country.

wild card keyword research

As you can see in the above screenshot, I’ve generated over 4,000 content ideas in a few minutes in this simple way. Next, I can also filter the list by keyword difficulty and search volume to get a refined and relevant list of keywords.

2. Matching search intent

Matching search intent is about understanding the WHY of the user’s search queries and providing relevant information that feeds users’ needs.

Again the webpage on ‘best places to visit in India’ is a great example of matching search intent.

The intent here is to find the best places for travelling, plan the trip, and maybe find the hotel packages.

This is why Holidify built a content hub for almost every possible location in India.

For almost every travel destination, Holidify helps users by:

  • Planning tour packages and trips
  • Finding the right time to plan the trip
  • Knowing about visa policy and more.

This is how it looks like:

content navigation structure

For every travel destination, these navigation elements will show the relevant content customized for that place.

Asides from matching searcher intent, it also helps in internal linking and structuring the content hubs.

Key Takeaways

  • After a certain growth, it is important to scale the content creation process. And, this is where wildcard content ideas can be helpful.
  • Find a list of hundreds of content ideas and sort them by search volume, keyword difficulty, and search intent.
  • Study the SERP well and understand the search intent behind these queries.
  • Think beyond long-form blog posts. Focus on making the searcher job easy to find the important information as quickly as possible.

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