5 SaaS Email Marketing Examples

If you own a SaaS company, you might struggle with email marketing. Balancing marketing, lifecycle, and transactional messages can be challenging. 

Most SaaS companies fail to achieve sophisticated segmentation and targeting. You may be disappointed if your email campaigns fetch nothing but dismal open and click-through rates. 

But an email campaign is capable of generating leads, gaining and retaining customers, and boosting conversions. It can also lower churn rates, which is as high as 5% in SaaS

So, how do you create such a well-crafted campaign? A great starting point is assessing real-world examples of successful SaaS emails. 

Campaigns by leading businesses can provide insights into proven tactics. That’s why we have compiled a list of 5 SaaS email marketing examples. Read on to get inspired and improve your growth strategy. 

SaaS Email Marketing Examples

There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy to combine promotional, post-signup, and operational communications in email marketing. So, here are some examples of campaigns done right. Take a look:

Example 1: Welcome Email – by Shopify

Like most establishments, Shopify sends a welcome email to those who sign up on the platform. What sets these emails apart is the use of simple techniques for a positive first impression. 

Key Elements of the Email

Personalized Greeting – The email starts by addressing the recipient by their name. This adds a personal touch to the communication, making users feel recognized and appreciated.

Gratitude and Celebration – The content is designed to express excitement to have the user on board. Its words and graphics express gratitude, which forges a strong connection. 

Expected Benefits – It also highlights how Shopify can help the user at every step. It mentions add-on services like sharing tips and training resources to get users fired up for the future. 

Transparency – The email also provides the site URL, a link to the plan, and other information. It maintains clarity so that the user doesn’t have to contact customer support for basic details.   

Takeaways for You:

  • Craft a customized welcome email that’s crisp and clear. It should also offer details and merits. 
  • Tell your customers you’re happy to work with them and generate excitement about the future. 
  • Feel free to use graphics creatively – even if it’s minimal – for an attractive email campaign. 

Example 2: Promotional Email – by Litmus

Litmus uses its promotional emails as an example of its email marketing services. Its unique design stands out in a crowded inbox and sets expectations in the receiver’s mind. 

Key Elements of the Email:

Animation – The animated swipe motion infuses life into the email and grabs attention – but in a subtle way. It also gives the receiver a peek into the available features they can opt for. 

Concise and Informative: Instead of packing the email body with too much data, it uses illustrations. These images convey information succinctly for a clear communication.  

Contrast in Colors – Contrasting colors have been strategically used for the text and buttons. They make crucial elements in the email pop, allowing the receiver to scan the content quickly. 

Separate Sections – The layout is neat, with white spaces separating the sections. It is thus easy to read and understand as it guides readers smoothly and ensures that text isn’t monotonous. 

Takeaways for You:

  • Add animation or illustration to your emails. The uniqueness of a presentation will hold interest. 
  • Strategically highlight essential elements and information with visual contrast and white space. 
  • Design the email to simplify information absorption. It should also encourage them to act fast. 

Example 3: Customer Retention Email – by Canva

Canva has cracked a unique code to customer retention: through motivation! Its email celebrates milestones of users, like creating 10 designs, even setting and rewarding future goals.    

Key Elements of the Email

Congratulating Users for Milestones – The email recognizes and celebrates achievements like reaching a certain number of designs. It makes users feel valued – and earns their loyalty. 

Setting Goals and Offering Rewards – It sets more goals, incentivizing incremental objectives with further recognition. A simple badge is all it takes to motivate people to keep using Canva.

Encouraging CTAs – After creating a positive feeling by congratulating user accomplishments, the email leverages the moment of glory. It subtly integrates a call to action for social sharing. 

Engagement and Social Media Reach – It attempts to engage users, inspiring them to share their success story on social media. It can expand Canva’s exposure and brand awareness.

Takeaways for You

  • Incorporate congratulatory messages to make customers feel appreciated for their engagement. 
  • Incremental usage goals with a promise of recognition can act as a reward for their loyalty. 
  • Utilize your customer’s moment in the limelight to integrate CTAs and social media promotions. 

Example 4: Email Digest – by Zapier

Zapier uses email digests to stay connected to customers and stakeholders. It regularly updates them about company news or changes through messages crafted with reader-centric principles.  

Key Elements of the Email

Expressing Appreciation – Regular updates about the company keep the receiver in the loop. It makes them feel that Zapier actually cares about the association and builds rapport.  

Clickable Section Headers – Each section has an interactive clickable button that allows readers access to their fields of interest. So they get better control over content consumption.

Thoughtful Content Prioritization – It presents updates according to an order of importance. Readers can see important news first, while other updates are under secondary information. 

Formatting Optimized for Easy Scanning – The layout uses ample white space to separate sections. Plus, it has concise paragraphs with bold headings to help readers scan the content.

Takeaways for You

  • The key is to focus on the reader’s experience. Consider principles that can increase engagement. 
  • Utilize content prioritization and self-selection to cater to the diverse interests of the receivers. 
  • Pay attention to formatting. Proper segmentation and concise presentation boosts scannability.

Example 5: Email to Reactivate Inactive Users – by Chanty

Like other businesses, Chanty faces the roadblocks of inactive users. So, its emails reach out to them through re-engagement campaigns to excite these users and regain their participation.

Key Elements of the Email

Highlighting Benefits – The email reminds users of Chanty’s benefits. Its content makes a crisp and strategic attempt to draw attention to Chanty’s important features – and rekindle interest.

Clear and Easy CTA – Its prominent call-to-action button invites receivers to visit Chanty. In fact, it enables users to access the platform with just one click, making reactivation frictionless. 

Targeted and Personalized – The entire outreach campaign is tailored specifically to address dormant users. Even the subject line, “We Missed You,” attempts to create a warm connection.   

Direct Approach – The email copy is compact and takes a straightforward approach. It instantly realigns the receiver with special features, preventing the core message from getting buried.    

Takeaways for You

  • Use a nurturing reactivation campaign to remind your inactive audience that you cherish them.
  • Be direct and remind dormant users of everything they’re missing out on by deserting you. 
  • Simplify the reactivation process. Incorporate a prominent call-to-action, like a “Join” button.

Tips for Successful SaaS Email Marketing 

The five SaaS email marketing examples show now to effectively aid marketing with outreach strategies. Studying them lets you get valuable understanding and implement the following in your email campaigns:

Personalization and Segmentation

Personalize your emails as much as possible. Using the receiver’s name and tailoring the content according to their interests, location, history, etc. makes them feel recognized.

Establishing Connection

A sincere opening line, a welcome note, or a subject line that says you miss the user can go a long way. You can also connect with them frequently through regular and detailed updates. 

Encouraging Engagement

Expressing gratitude and celebrating usage encourages them to continue using your product. The prospect of future recognition can also boost engagement. 

And NEVER forget to deliver a clear CTA.  

Easy-to-Scan Content 

Customize messages to cater to specific user needs. You can segregate the information and furnish it according to their interests through concise copies and appealing visual presentation.  

Images and Animations

Speaking of attractive visuals, remember to get creative with animated and static illustrations. You can go vibrant or stay subtle.

The elements must grab attention and summarize information.

Potential Challenges and Solutions 

SaaS email marketing comes with a set of challenges. Here are some key hurdles and the email marketing best practices to overcome them:

  • Standing out in a crowded inbox – Craft an intriguing subject line and preview text. Make sure to pique interest right away.
  • Discouraging open and click-through rates – Test formatting styles, copies, visual elements, CTA placements, etc., to hit the sweet spot. 
  • User disengagement – Present valuable content in an exciting way regularly. Nurture customer relationships and incentivize loyalty, 
  • Information overload – Prioritize and segment content to match the receiver’s interests and avoid stuffing too many details.


Q: What are the key strategies highlighted in the top SaaS email marketing examples ?

A: The key strategies highlighted in the top SaaS email marketing examples are personalization and segmentation. These emails all have a personal touch to connect with the receiver. They also deliver targeted messages relevant to subscribers based on interests, behavior, etc. 

Q: Does email marketing work for SaaS?

A: Yes, email marketing is a helpful tool for SaaS companies. It can be used to skyrocket customer engagement and enhance top-of-mind awareness. A well-crafted email can help you stand out in the receiver’s inbox and work better than other marketing channels. 

Q: How do you build email marketing for SaaS?

A: To build an effective SaaS email marketing campaign, analyze your customers. Categorize them into segments based on their journey. Then, nurture your relationship with them through emails triggered by events and activities like joining, buying, becoming inactive, etc.    

Final Words

The SaaS email marketing examples show how communicating with customers can be a crucial growth channel. But the key is to do it right.

Principles like personalization, attractiveness, CTAs, and informative content can contribute to emails that engage. So learn from SaaS companies that have mastered the art of email marketing – and get inspired to develop your own strategy!

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