5 Elements That Makes Ahrefs’s Landing Page So Good

First, let’s take a look at Ahref’s homepage:

There is no single right way of creating or writing landing pages.

But when it comes to using social proof, Ahrefs’s home page is one of the best.

Here are 5 important elements of high-converting landing pages →

1. Clear message

clear message

The first thing users will see on the page is the above-the-fold section.

Ahrefs wanted to shift from positioning just as a backlink research tool to an all-in-one SEO tool for everyone. And the message clearly conveys this idea.

Takeaway: Ensure that the above the fold section answer these questions right away:

  • Who is this for?
  • What benefits will I get?

2. Customer-shared images

customer images

Adding human photos strengthen the social proof. You might have seen testimonials with a tiny image of the customer.

Here, Ahrefs stand out by adding large-sized images of customer-shared images.

Takeaway: Never miss a chance to humanize your marketing by adding human photos.

3. Relevant testimonials


Here comes my favourite part from the landing page.

The Ahrefs tool has multiple target audiences such as:

  • Bloggers
  • Content marketers
  • SEO folks
  • Agencies
  • SaaS

Therefore adding testimonials only from bloggers or SEO professionals doesn’t make it completely relevant for other audience bases.

The solution?

Ahrefs categorized their testimonials for every set of audiences.

That way, a blogger can easily know what other bloggers are saying about the tool. Likewise, SEO folks will get to see the testimonials from other SEO pros.

Takeaway: Categorizing testimonials for different user bases is a great practice.

And, if your product doesn’t have multiple audience bases like Ahrefs, make sure you’re adding testimonials from the people of the same industry as your prospects.

4. Show, don’t tell


Whether you have a complex product like Ahrefs or a simple newsletter subscription, you should follow the “show, don’t tell” approach.

Takeaway: Help your audience visualize your product’s feature/benefits/experience with either an illustration or a quick video.

5. Third-party reviews


The fact is many people/brands put fake positive reviews (even fake images too) on the landing page to persuade the users.

But this cheap trick doesn’t always work. “1 out of 3 consumers suspect FAKE reviews if there’s nothing negative” (From Revoo research report)

The solution?

Leverage third-party reviews as Ahrefs did on the home page. They have added the reviews from third-party sites like:

  • G2
  • Capterra
  • Trustpilot, etc.

Even better, Ahrefs has linked these testimonials to the source page so anyone can verify the reviews right away.

Takeaway: Showing third-party reviews (even better linking to the source) boost your credibility.

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