Going From 30+ Clicks/Day → To 70+ Clicks/Day  [Actionable Case Study]

Here, I’ll be sharing the key SEO optimizations that we did to achieve the growth for one of our clients.

Let’s get started.

Results achieved

1/ Building The Foundation

Started with fixing technical SEO issues as the site had removed many product and category pages.

Issues solved: broken links, orphan pages, metadata optimization, navigation, etc.

2/ Updating Existing Content

The team members or developers built every service page. So the SEO optimization part was missing. Did keyword research, created briefs, and updated every service page with content and metadata targeting keywords.

3/ Topical Relevance

The site lacked topical relevancy as there were hardly five blog articles on the main topic. We created content strategies and covered almost every doubts/challenges our audience may have before, during, or after purchase. Then followed the topic cluster structure.

4/ Focused On EAT

Part 1. The average order value is around 200k INR. Therefore users need to highly trust the brand before making any deal. Worked on getting reviews on third-party platforms. This helps in improving the brand reputation.

Part 2. Highlighted the author’s expertise (even though it is not a YMYL niche, I prefer to make the site as authoritative as possible)

  • audited about us and contact us page to build credibility and expertise of the brand
  • added schema markup

5/ Internal Linking

We already have some quality links to 5-10% of the pages. Therefore it was important to add links from the high authority page to low/ new pages.

We used Ahrefs to find these high authority pages (in terms of quantity and link quality).

6/ Publishing New Pages

For creating new pages, we focused on two strategies.

  • targeting seasonal pages (new year, Diwali, etc.)
  • long-tail queries (xx services for women’s day, etc.)

This helped us get the most out of the seasonal search demand and target high-intent keywords (low difficulty).

Though we acquired links directly to the service pages, the priority was to get links to the articles and then link to service pages from articles.

We considered guest articles and brand/founder’s story features and created linkable assets (original research report) that are still getting us links organically.


1/ Fixing technical SEO issues

2/ Content update

3/ Topical authority

4/ Demonstrate EAT

5/ Internal linking

6/ New pages

7/ Link building

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